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I never wanted to go downwell, I've always wanted to go upwell


left my feedback on the jam entry page in case you retain this site for future releases. good work!


Good game. Love the gameplay.

woah thanks for the vid and kind words!


I'm struggling a bit to get upward momentum, do you have any tips ?

Oh just realised I could jump on the eyes x) Got around 50m as well, but I struggled to get past that.


yeah bounce on the eyes, shoot rockets at them, and shoot rockets at the wall kinda beneath your feet. when you kill an eye you get a rocket back

(1 edit) (+1)

Really nice and simple idea and it's rather fun. Though I wish your movement speed ( in mid-air and on the ground ) was a little faster. The eyeballs sometimes spawn right on top of halting your jump and sometimes rockets don't send you upwards. Otherwise though, this is a really cool little arcade game. My highest is 55m


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! You can sprint by holding Shift which makes you move a little faster on ground and in the air (not sure if you were doing that or not). And yeah I should run an extra check to make sure the eyeballs don't spawn right above you, that'll be in the first update